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Medela Milchcafé

Client Name: Medela

Project Name: Medela Milchcafé

a co-creagency project by


Welcome to the medela milchcafé, a meeting point for mothers to unite their lifestyle and careers with their family planning - #designedforlife   Three days, four cities, one topic: breast milk. For Medela, we created a safe space for openness, education, and exchange on all topics relating to pumping. First in three german cities and then expanding to Austria - Medela was the talk of the town. In this curated event series together with great hosts from different fields, we created the perfect setting to introduce the new breast pump innovation by Medela. Through collaborations with big digital & print media like Brigitte MOM, EDITION F, and Femtastics, we were able to reach a broad community of women. An event microsite was specially created for the event series with an RSVP-system and an overview of all speakers, events, and information about Medela.

Facts & Figures:

  • 4 Cities - Berlin, Hamburg, Munich & Vienna

  • 3 Days each

  • 20 Events

  • 9 Partners

  • 36 Speakers

  • Over 800 visitors

  • 8 Mio digital reach

My role: Creative & Project Lead in all cities (Concept + Production), curation of programme & speakers, media collaborations, visuals & graphic design + Website

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Advertorial in Brigitte MOM & Branding on all channels (digital & offline). 



To provide a branded platform for all of the events, we created a microsite that hosted all content on speakers and event details. Users were able to RSVP before to their events and speakers & magazines shared links on their channels.

Content & Programme

All content was branded within the design guideline we developed along the logo & colour codes for the event series. Every event was planned with matching content and social assets to be shared online. Different publications picked up on the diverse and creative programme that was curated with hosts in the different cities.

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all pictures by Gerngross Glowinski.

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